Friday, July 22, 2005

It is Friday morning and I am still alive. After reading some industry message boards I thought that I might spontaneously combust if I went into vj training. Seriously, I am having a great time. The hours are long, I am tired, my eyes are red and blood shot, but I have completed my first news story. I have shot, written, voiced, and edited 3 stories and I feel pretty good about what I have accomplished. I would like to tell you guys more but I need to get on to story number four. Let me know if you guys have any good story ideas for me.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Story idea... Gallatin is building a skateboard park for the kids. The foundation has been poured- and the final bids for equipment have come in. The Committee meets every Tuesday night at the Gallatin Civic center, 6pm. If you're interested in more info about it- feel free to contact me. I've been working with the group since March.