Tuesday, July 19, 2005

It is 11pm central time in Nashville and I just got home from training a few minutes ago. Whew, I am worn out! Today was another productive day, similar to yesterday, with assignments to shoot and edit our stories. I had a few snags in story gathering part of my day and ended up going on a re-shoot. The second time was the charm because I found a better story. The rest of my class was more successful than I was and I am looking forward to seeing their work.

The photograph above is a picture of our work space with George Mitchell and Mike Browning hard at work between Kelly and Tim French who are expertly instructing us on how to implement the VJ tools.

I am on my way to talk to the sandman to get some rest. Last night I dreamed of vj training so I am curious about tonight's dreams. I had better get to bed quickly or I will be day dreaming during the lessons tomorrow.


broadcastmike said...

Hey Todd -- I've been using this type of gear for the past 3 years or so (Dell M80 w/ Avid DV Express, Sony PD-150/170), and although shooting with a smaller camera takes a little getting used to, the benefits far outweigh the downfalls. Enjoy the lighter load and the ability to work from the house or on site. Hope Pinnacle doesn't give you too much trouble -- never been a fan.

Anonymous said...

I've read all the negative coverage of WKRN's transition, and I admire your positive attitude about it all. I worked as an intern/video editor with you back in '98 and you were always positive then, too. I'll never forget the advice I got from all the photogs at WKRN when I left to be a one man band in Hoptown. Tight, medium, wide. Three words to live by. I'm just curious...are the photogs turned reporters voicing packages or are they all nat pieces? Will you all have to do live shots?