Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I have been playing with the camera that the vj's will be using (Sony zu-1) and I am going to like it. The best thing about the new camera with accessories is the size and weight. Currently, the equipment that I use weighs 54lbs. Camera, tripod, fanny pack, microphones, and extra tape. The Sony ZU-1 is a mini-dv format which makes everything smaller and lighter. I guess that the total weight will be under 15lbs.

I have shot one story completely with the ZU-1 and I do not think many people will be able to notice the difference in quality. News 2 has purchased several Dell lap-top computers which will be used for editing. I have seen them in the building but I have not had a chance to play with one yet. We will be using pinnacle editing software to edit our stories on the laptops. I am told we will be able to email the stories into the station and on occasion, not even have to come into the building.

I am scheduled to go through an intensive, six day, training session. I am on vacation next week so I will be to rest up and then hit the ground running with the vj training. I will be in the first class on training which is exciting itself. Feel free to include me in your prayers.

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