Thursday, August 11, 2005

New Experiences

I have been able to turn four stories this week. My stories have all been day turns which lead some to question the true intentions of using vj's . I still believe we will be able to take more time for stories when necessary, once everyone is trained and working at full speed. Right now we are short staffed during the transition so everyone is working fast and furious. Yesterday, I experienced a benefit of the vj plan. I was sent to check out a potentially dangerous situation so I teamed up with a coworker and left as part of a two man crew. The danger never materialized, so we spilt off and went separate directions.

Even if vj plan does not work (I think it will flourish) I'm gaining valuable experience I never thought I would have. If I keep working hard, I could eventually get a job as a reporter or a go back to being a news photographer. If I want to get out of TV, I will have writing experience and even more opportunities open to me than ever before.


Anonymous said...

I like the way you think, Todd!! I agree completely with your last paragraph. That kind of positive thinking will get you everywhere. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another rosy comment from Rosenblum.
Brown nose bandit sucks up to VJ yet again.