Monday, August 15, 2005

A First

I accomplished a first in my career Friday. For reporters it is no big deal but I am proud that I was able to write 5 stories in a week.

I went to a Promise Keepers meeting being held at the Gaylord Entertainment Center in Nashville this weekend. Almost 15,000 men met together to worship and renew their relationship with God. I went with a couple of guys from my church and had a great time. News 2's Alex Lucas did a story on Promise Keepers that should be on the web site if you want to check it out.

I am working on a story for today about the first day of school in Davidson county. I found a first time principal and followed her around during the busy morning.


Steph said...

That's awesome Todd! I am glad to hear you had time to go to Promise Keepers. That's really a gret thing. :) I'd like to see the story about the first time principal- maybe let us know if it makes it to the web site!

Anonymous said...

Good story, Todd. Lot's of information and good camera shots. Keep up the good work!