Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I am again reminded of the great job our military is doing. If you get a chance to talk with soldiers and their families you learn most soldiers believe in what they are doing. For example, in Iraq, the soldiers feel like they are making a difference in the lives of the local people. You also learn that we (Americans) take a lot for granted.

Today I did a story about a Tennessee National Guardsman who lost his life in a mortar attack over the weekend. Freddie Hawn was one of three soldiers that answered a call for help from a unit who had been attacked by insurgents. When Freddie and the others arrived on the scene they were immediately ambushed with RPGs and motors. Asbury Fred Hawn leaves behind his wife Angie and two sons 12 yr old Johnathan and 4 yr old Spencer. Say a prayer for the Hawn family as they deal with this huge loss.

Next time you see a soldier give them a hug and tell them thanks for the job they are doing.


Anonymous said...

A very good post Todd.

Anonymous said...

To Kevin. we watch you every am . we think you are a great weather man & my grand daughter Brittany thinks you are the cutest thing she has ever seen. she is 11. we love the interaction between you & Neil & Heather. It makes the show feel warm & friendly. we love Big Joe too. keep up the good work. all of you are a great team tn_walta@hotmail.com