Friday, September 16, 2005


Don't you love technology? I'm sitting at a pizza shop eating lunch and writing this blog while connected to the internet. I love it. I have been assigned a beat area to cover so today I'm meeting people around town and getting story ideas. I don't have many contacts yet so this time has been valuable. In the old days, I would not be able to check my email until the end of the day. Now, the internet is a useable tool while away from your desk.

I know a few places already where I can use wireless internet connections. If you know of a business that offers wifi, please let me know.


Steph said...

Hey Todd! It may not be a complete list... but this one is pretty good.

Don't forget- the skatepark is open in Gallatin There's a story waiting for you! ;)

Anonymous said...

Todd, let me ask you, what kind of stories are they wanting you to find? Is it just whatever is going on in your beat or do you have a focus such as human interest, crime, sports, etc.

-Phil, Phoenix AZ