Saturday, March 31, 2007

New Terrorist Tactics

Al-Qaeda lunatics are now using children to smuggle and detonate bombs. In the past US Soldiers typically have waved cars through check points if they noticed children. Al-Qaeda noticed this and have now started blowing up kids in there latest attempts to kill American Soldiers and innocent Iraqis. Click here to read more about it.

I don't understand how pulling our troops out of Iraq will be good for anyone.


Anonymous said...

"I don't understand how pulling our troops out will help," states the most clueless Todd. I guess it never dawned on you, Todd, that nwo dingleberry Bush is responsible for the mess in Iraq along with his nwo CFR pals. Wow, I guess hangin with the troops has made you an honorary Sgt Rock but I notice that you haven't signed up to join the Army yet Todd? If you're so 'gung ho' for Iraq, then why don't you enlist, go through boot camp, learn how to kill people, and then you can go and murder Iraqis who never did anything to you? Wake up Todd. You've been conned on Iraq; in fact your entire paradigm is faulty.

Anonymous said...

It really isn't a surprise considering what the islamic fanatics are capable of. Who would intentionally use children in this fashion? And the media NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN call these people "insurgents". What a nice sanitary term. Heaven forbid we call them terrorist or what they really are; souless evil.